It's colorful, so it's healthy, right? These are the JOKES....sometimes you should have a BLOODY.

How’d those New Year’s Resolutions work out for ya?


NOT workout? (pun intended)

We all know January always causes a surge in GYM memberships and attempts at NEW DIETS. I’m not opposed to all of it but I’m an advocate of  “Continuous HEALTH and HAPPINESS,” and “CHOOSING habits that are LIFELONG.” I am definitely NOT a fan of starting something (while intentions might have been good ones) doing it for a two week stint OR becoming a weekend warrior.

Running five miles starting on Sunday when you haven’t run in three years turned out to be a bad idea, did it?

AND NO! There’s no magic bullet, go elsewhere for that bullet (wait a second, there is no real bullet!).

It’s okay, you can swallow your pride now and start eating carbs again, you’ll be happier!



PROBLEM: Are you eating a lean cuisine, turkey sandwiches, possibly a jellied fruit molded something and canned soup on a daily basis? While I know some of us are creatures of habit, you might consider adding something beyond the same 5 foods to your eating regimen. Would you wear the same clothes every day? No. So why eat the same food?

STRATEGY: No idea what SPELT is? CLICK here. No idea what Bok Choy is? Click here.Try any of the recipes or ingredients I’ve used here! I have plenty! Point is, move beyond monotony.

2. MODERATION (sometimes moderation IN moderation)

PROBLEM: You love pizza and once and awhile you want some chocolate but eating them daily could pan out to be a problem. When I say moderation it means:

  • Put the fork down after the second helping of dinner
  • Don’t order a second ice cream cone or sundae
  • One soda was enough(which by the way, eewww chemicals in a can?).
  • AND YES more veggies is always better (if not drenched in butter).

Guess the veggie....

STRATEGY: Fill your plate up, think half veggies, quarter protein + a quarter with a grain and there should be NO reason you’re not satisfied!

Eat the cookie when you want the cookie (you all know I do).


PROBLEM: Are you that person who is always telling people how bad or guilty you feel after you ate something?

Or you find yourself saying things like,”I never eat this way, but just this one time.” It’s like we need to admit we’re doing something wrong or shameful by eating that fried zucchini blossom (yum by the way).

STRATEGY: So what, move on! One meal, drink, or dessert is NOT what will sabotage you for a lifetime. Next meal you eat just focus on making it super healthy! If you had cheesecake and wine at dinner the night before then aim for oatmeal with fruit and some nuts for breakfast! Read THIS to create SMART goals.


PROBLEM: Your version of cooking = microwaving a slice of leftover pizza or Lean Cuisine? Sigh. With all the cooking shows, magazines, blogs (like this one), sites (like this one and this one , we’re still not cooking enough?!

STRATEGY: If you cook ZILCH times a week, try it even ONCE!

  • A soup would be easy to start with! You can make a double batch and have it for lunch the next day and/or dinner! Try this one! Or scroll through my soup recipes.
  • Cook on a day you have time.
  • Don’t aim for Monday night when you’re exhausted. Grocery shop with the recipe already planned out.
  • Try a Sunday afternoon, make a healthy lasagna (HINT: it’s got a squash in it!) or casserole type dish so that you have leftovers for Monday.

It's just pretty to look at isn't it?


PROBLEM: If you reflect back on what you ate today, was there any color? Green, Red, Orange, Yellow? If you answered NO then what are you eating? Cardboard boxes?

STRATEGY: Okay, things like oats, cereals and grains are all pretty neutral in color, but ADD color by tossing in fruit (dried or fresh), or veggies! I add things like tomatoes, cucumbers, and red peppers to grain based salads for color. Just look what I did to this SALAD or this SALAD!

OKAY, your TURN!

HOW do you FEEL about all THIS?



Part II (6-10) will be shared next Thursday by noon EST.

24 thoughts on “GET HEALTHY…starting NOW.

  1. Pingback: WARNING. Do Not Do’s in the New Year. | A Girl and Her Carrot

  2. Pingback: How to be Consistent. « A Girl and Her Carrot

  3. Pingback: I”ll have what she’s having… « A Girl and Her Carrot

  4. Pingback: What’s YELLOW and EARTHY? « A Girl and Her Carrot

  5. Hi Jen, your Yumnutty Truffles brought me here, so imagine my surprise when I see all this health eating. As one gets older (and I’ve been doing a lot of that lately) one cannot get away with some of (make that any of) the transgressions of youth, so helpful and healthy advice like this is more the welcome. Adding you to my food blog reader page.


    • Richard it’s so nice to see you here! Sounds like you were pleasantly surprised that those truffles weren’t CHOCOLATE! ;-). As we get older, we all have to be very aware of what we’re doing for our bodies and that includes what we put in our mouths and physical activity. It’s an ongoing process that should never be looked at as temporary but as a lifestyle! I”m delighted that you found my information helpful! Thanks for the kind words once again!

  6. Pingback: GET Healthy… Starting NOW Part II « A Girl and Her Carrot

  7. So much good advice. #4 Cook! I love it, that’s exactly the problem. No one cooks anymore, we are all too tired by the time we get home. I try to cook a lot on the weekends. I find that it really helps me on those nights when I’m wiped out.

    • Hi! So lovely to see your face again! I agree, COOKING is really challenging when you’re tired. You have a great way of tackling this…”cook a lot on weekends.” Perhaps it’s more enjoyable without the “after work” rush! Do you have a favorite meal to make?

    • Thanks Kate! I loooove Bok Choy. I mainly eat it raw because it has such a unique flavor addition to salads. You can also just roast it or saute it with some sesame oil for an asian inspired flavor. I just made myself hungry by the way. :-).

  8. I know I could do so much better with my eating habits, but knowing it and doing it are two different things.
    But I have begun exercising regularly, I got a treadmill for Christmas that I have been faithfully using. So let’s hope for the best.

    • Hey Chef!
      Know that making the changes that are right for you and that you are ready for will have a longterm impact! It sounds like you were able to make a significant change by exercising regularly because you now have “access” to that treadmill! Keep up the good work!

    • It’s good to love food. I love food. Saying yes to everything can get you in trouble…perhaps it’s the way you’re approaching those “good intentions.” Are you telling yourself that it’s “all or nothing?” Never a good idea. If I told myself I can’t eat cake for a month, I’d want cake everyday and so on. Small steps. It’s the little things and the little changes that can add up in the long run. ENJOY your food and make changes where you can and want to. You’ll be happier for it! Thanks for sharing!

  9. The hardest thing is to not say, “just this once” ALL the time. (Which I have done, a lot)

    I’m a sucker for sweets, but one trick I found that mellows down my desire for sugar and dessert is to just eat a bowl of non-fat yogurt topped with sweet fruits. (berries!!!) then in no time, I’m over it!

    Looking forward to the next post! 🙂

    • Great suggestion there Kranz! (I read your about page…cute nickname you’ve got there!). You’re right, “just this once” is a challenge for many. I find that if you give yourself permission to eat what you really want at times (sometimes this might include nutella on a baked banana!-I obviously share that sweet tooth) the whole “deprivation” feeling goes away. I really like the “mellowing down” trick! Sometimes a healthy substitution is all one needs. I can’t wait for berry season! Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Part II should be fun!

Intelligent Thoughts by Smart People