How to be Consistent with being Consistent.

Write it down, in ONE spot!


“The one thing that’s consistent is that people aren’t consistent.” 

Let that one marinade for a second.

Yeah, I made that one up, and you may all quote me on it. Oprah? I’m here when you need me. Heh.

Why is it we can brush our teeth everyday (I hope) and make that a habit but it’s a huge challenge for some when it comes to consistency and our health? I was intrigued this week during a chat amongst some awesome health goers where people were admitting that the one missing link to maintaining their goals of being health rockstars is the inability to be consistent.

Yes, we’re all busy looking for the 25th hour. An article I recently read from Psychology Today actually covered this exact topic. Click here for the five questions that can create that 25th hour (or you’re just as nerdy as I am).

So here they are, the four things you need in order to be consistent.


We all have a closet, desktop, and cupboard that needs some serious help. How many sticky notes, loose papers, and to-do lists do you have flying all over the place? That’s one sure fire way to a) be a piggy and b)likely lose lists. I am the queen of stickies being lost. I think I have a pile of stickies stuck to other stickies (don’t judge, I need a lil help here and there).

Some solutions to organization and motivation:

  1. Choose one form to jot down your to-do’s, notes, rocking song lyrics or anything else of importance. if you have an iPhone, use the Notes option. It sends the note you typed to your inbox!
  2. Need help from the oranizer junkie? Love this site
  3. Dodge the negative Nellies in your life. If someone isn’t supportive of your weight loss goals or otherwise, simply don’t discuss it with them.
  4. Need motivation? Here’s a few ways to find it (mind tricks?)


Some of you exercise at the wee hours of the morning, some late at night, others during their lunch break. It’s pretty simple, if you never have and never will be able to wake up at the crack of dawn and workout, I highly suggest you be honest with yourself and what you can be compliant with.

I suggest some of the following:

  1. Start small. Like twice a week (for morning or any other workout you’re going to start). Schedule it in my newfound love->google calendar!
  2. Go to sleep a bit earlier and have a handy dandy alarm clock. May I suggest one that screams at you like a rooster? (I might chuck that puppy across the room, but it would wake me.)
  3. Get the gym clothes out and ready to go (or gym bag) the night before. This works, trust me. I’m likely annoying with this one cause I repeat it so often. Don’t hate, I’m your cheerleader, remember?
If you have to workout after the workday and find yourself a total wreck:
  1. Assess why you’re a wreck, are you exhausted? Are you eating the right foods, skipping meals, sleeping well? Take a peak at Get Healthy Starting NOW series.
  2. Pack the gym bag in the morning and have it in the car and ready to go, include at least one snack you might need to chomp on before an afternoon workout (i.e. yogurt, piece of fruit-simple foods that are easily digested).
  3. Get your babysitter, tell your spouse, plan on not cooking, whatever you have to do to make it happen, even if it’s twice a week (don’t worry, you’ll tack on more time or days eventually, let’s get you consistent with something to start.)
Why is it all the other responsibilities in your life seem to trump our health sometimes?
I mean you’d never miss that hair appointment (nor would I by the way), dental appointment (Nope, I’d miss that one) or mandatory business meeting.
  1. Pretend your fitness routine is a prescription (quirky but it’s kind of like when I tell people pretend food is your medicine). I mean the doc told you when and how often to take a pill, right?
  2. Tell someone, have a buddy system, become a class regular so when you turn on the “excuse” switch and your cranky pants self starts dodging the exercise routine, you’re less likely to skip a class, workout, etc. Remember, nobody’s perfect and happy go lucky every day of the week (surprise, I’m not a christmas elf or oompa loompa either). Too bad there isn’t a hire a website somewhere out there.
  3. Hire a trainer. Yes, this can be costly, but in the long run, it’s going to hold you accountable, who would dare call their trainer and get all whiney on them saying they’re tired? Not I! Also check to see if your insurance covers gym membership. Even better, PAY in advance and schedule your sessions upfront-the “cheapo” in you won’t want to waste the money.
If you missed my goal setting guide, click here, if you have no idea how, or what goals to set (I’m good at that).
To start with:
  1. Focus on a few goals for a week at time, log them, keep a journal, keep track of the good stuff! After all, don’t you want to see how much success you’re having? (Even if you didn’t huff and puff up those stairs.)
  2. I’m a big fan of an Apple (yes, MAC) App I recently discovered through a friend of mine (I feel like I’m giving away some good stuff here, but I’m cool like that) download the Lose It app if you have an iphone, otherwise go to the Lose It website and sign up for FREE. 
  3. Instead of focusing on the long-term goal (which is good to have, and you should, but baby steps), focus on the immediate achievements. Whether you were looking to lose 20 pounds or run 3 miles three times a week, it’s important to pay attention to the short-term goals. Why? It keeps you motivated, that’s why. 
I think you’d all appreciate this article I recently found on
along with this one:
20 ways to be consistent, very to the point. 


“What are your tips, tricks and smarty pant suggestions when it comes to being consistent?”


“What actions are you going to take after reading this article?”

23 thoughts on “How to be Consistent with being Consistent.

  1. Good points :-p. I agree with your quote “The one thing that’s consistent is that people aren’t consistent.”

    It sounds a little bit like something Heraclitus said: “Nothing endures but change.” – check on

    Your version is very specific and unique though. Since other people seem to think similar things I guess there has to be truth in what you say!

    Keep up the good work x

  2. I love this post. I think behaviors need to become like brushing your teeth, they need to become automatic. You nailed me with the stickies. Why even bother with them when they just get lost. I’m putting everything in my notebook. I have the notebook just not always on my desk. Thanks!

    • Hey Lauren!
      Those stickies, they haunt me. lol. glad to hear you’re sticking with one form of “tracking.” The notebook works wonders! I have a bright orange leopard print one, can’t miss it! Ha!

  3. Great post! I completely agree… I often set a goal and stick to it… for about a week. Then I feel like my life always gets too busy and I can’t seem to find time for anything.

    I have the same problem as Richard.. I like seeing instant results. I don’t see instant results from working out. I don’t see instant results after eating a salad. Also, I feel like it’s easy to sit down and clean your desk every once and awhile, but living healthy is a 24/7 job. Enough sleep, good breakfast, good lunch, good dinner, good snacks, exercising every day… it’s a big, scary task!

    I’m trying to find exercises that don’t make me dread doing them. I hate waking up knowing I have to run because I hate running! So I try to do Zumba or other fitness dvds. Or I listen to yoga podcasts. It’s all about finding your niche I think.

    I love lists! I keep a white board in my room. One side is stuff that has to be done today, the other side is stuff for this week.

    • Hi Vivianne,
      OK, My immediate response to you is a result of the first sentence. You said,”my life always gets too busy and I can’t find time for anything.” What I have to say to that would be perhaps it’s the goals you’re setting that are unrealistic. This isn’t a bad thing, it’s just that you might not be setting the right goals. Try setting daily or weekly goals. Of course I don’t know what you’d like to focus on, but if it’s starting or maintaining an exercise routine, take a step back and truly assess what you can handle on a weekly basis, something you’ll stick to. If it’s cardio for 30 minutes at 6 am , twice a week, then that’s where you start.

      Healthy can be a chore, only if you make it that way. I am here to make it simple, and definitely no pressure to do it all, all the time. Sometimes one eats super healthy but doesn’t sleep well or exercise consistently. Find out what your priorities are and focus on them, one step at a time.

      Dreading exercise is NOT a fun way to go into it. So “having to do something” definitely won’t get you through a lifetime. You’re on the right track with trying new things, zumba, dvd’s, yoga podcasts are all fantastic!

      Does that white board include exercise on it? :-).

      Another great comment! Thank You for sharing!

  4. Hi Jennifer

    Good topic! I think consistency is all about interests. If one is interested in some particular thing, she will do her best to be consistent and on the other hand if one doesn’t like something, no way she is going to try hard for that. So, I think passion ultimately leads to consistency.

    Danish Kapur

    • Thanks Danish!
      I love your thoughts on this subject. Motivation and/or the driving force behind whatever the person is trying to be consistent with is absolutely a huge factor. I think inspiration and passion are definitely significant.
      For example, If one is trying to lose weight because a spouse or perhaps a friend suggested they do so, then it’s not for the right reasons. Maintaining an exercise routine for a few weeks might do the trick, but once you reach that goal, then what? It’s a huge challenge to maintain something you’re not interested in. Exercise might not be someone’s passion, but we all know we should/have to do it. It’s a matter of finding joy in it and something that you will likely keep up with.

      Thanks for the comment!

  5. This is awesome! I’ve never stuck with a workout routine for more than a couple months, and I am proud to say that I’ve been going strong for five months now. I know that my consistency has come from setting goals. First I was training for a 10K, then a half marathon, and now a full marathon. Even if I don’t want to go for a run, I know that I need to in order to reach my goals!

    • Hi Angela!
      Thank You for the compliment, first off. So happy you enjoyed the read and CONGRATS on sticking with your workout routine for five months! Sounds like whatever goals you’ve set are ones you are able to stick with and that there is some really healthy motivation/incentive behind them. I love that you started with the 10k then went BIG with the marathon(s)! You are reaching if not already a “health rockstar” in my book. Keep up the awesomeness and thanks for sharing!

  6. Things that have helped me remain consistent with my nutrition, since having WLS in January are:

    1. Getting an insulated lunch bag and some bento type boxes to pack my lunch for the next day.

    2. Washing out the lunch containers so they’re ready to be refilled for lunch for the following day.

    3. Using the notes feature on my smartphone.

    4. Using the alarm feature on my smartphone, to let me know when sufficient time has lapsed from eating until I can drink fluids.

    5. Utilizing the internet (also on my smartphone) to determine calorie counts when I’ve gone out to dinner.

    • Hey Maven!
      The Bento boxes are awesome and truly help with portions to top it off, and they can be fun appearance wise. That’s quite the handy trick Re: the smartphone alarm! After WLS it’s a must to separate those liquids from meals, love this idea! Do you have a specific website/app you use for determining your calories? Thank you for being so generous with your tips!

  7. Hi, I’ve been reading your blog for a while and I totally identify with this post. I’m one of those ‘easily bored’ sort of people. As a result, I try and change my workouts often. That way its the curiosity of what the workout will be like that makes me wake up and do it.

    I completely agree with the accountability part too! I’ve just started an excersice challenge with a friend and to be honest that’s the only reason I did my workout today. Visualisation is also an awesome tool I use…many people say its silly but it works for me. Imagining myself at my fittest motivates me to do something to get there.

    • Hi there!
      How lovely that you’ve been following for awhile and I’m delighted you’re commenting on it. I love what you are saying here ,”the curiosity of what the workout will be like makes me wake up and do it.” What a unique way to approach it. I love that you embarked on a fitness buddy challenge and are being held accountable, it makes it more of a challenge to say no when there’s someone waiting for you now doesn’t it? There’s no such thing as silly, not in my book, if something works for you, then it works. It’s that simple. I do the exact same thing, visualizing when I might be able to twist my body into a specific yoga pose, or run further, perhaps try rock climbing. Those visualizations are those “mind tricks” that work, because they’re positive thoughts. Thank you for a fantastic comment!

  8. In my case it’s the instant gratification syndrome. If I clean my desk, I see it clean right then and there. If I make my hair appointment (if I actually had hair!) I would see the effects the first time I looked in the mirror. When I finish that software project, I see the result in a payment check.

    However, when I get out for a workout (walking in my case) the gratification is less apparent. I do feel better, but the results are subtle and there is no clear cut change in status. Of course there is the endorphin rush, the increased flow of blood to the brain and increased oxygen to my aching muscles, but the real benefits accrue slowly. It is this knowledge that they do accrue, and that the benefits of working out and keeping fit will extend my expiration date that keeps me at it.

    But acting on that knowledge takes a discipline of its own. It is the cadre of health nannies, my favorite one (ms. carrot) especially, who must motivate us off our sorry, lazy tuchases for our own good.

    • Oh Richard, I understand the instant gratification syndrome, I’d say that’s a majority of us regarding most things in life. We all want things now now now. I am delighted to know that you are pumped up with endorphins after you workout and feel good, sometimes consistency require a bit of jedi mind trick with yourself and trying to visualize and recall how “good” you felt, literally after a workout. Since my goal is to help others find health it always makes me smile knowing I’m the Ms. Carrot guiding you (and Linda) and cheering you on along the path of longevity. You are lucky to have a partner in crime. I truly think the buddy system is a key ingredient. Always gratitude for your thought out responses.

  9. Lovef it!!!! Omg i’m excited i will post it to my hubby… Maybe it’ll help him to set less goals and achievable results with physical activity! I got the same exact problem with stickies… I loved them and i use them on everything. Need yo get organize rush! Excellent quote physical activity as part of your prescription order. Just great

    • Hey Natalia!
      Your enthusiasm has me spinning with excitement. The stickies have got to go, ha. I hope you prescribe yourself some fitness now. 😉 Thanks for the lovely comment.

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